Hillel at Binghamton is a student-run organization that provides a pluralistic environment where Jewish students from all backgrounds can explore, celebrate, travel, learn, volunteer, and grow.
Student Leaders: 7 executive board members and 15 assembly members
Executive Board: The E-Board oversees all that goes on in Hillel. They help plan over 200 programs, work with the university, oversee our budgets, manage the assembly, and much more!
Assembly: Each assembly member runs their own subgroup yet is still a part of the overall Hillel Leadership. They plan and host weekly events, help make decisions for Hillel, and oversee their own boards.
Professional Staff: Our professional staff members work alongside the student leaders as well as the general student population to meet the needs of our students.
Hillel Office: The Hillel Office is open 9-5 each weekday and is located on the second floor of the Student Union right next to the Bookstore.
Hillel Lounge: The Lounge is open 24/7 and is located on the third floor of the University Union. The Lounge has a full Beit Midrash and is used for programs as well as a space for students to hang out.
Each subgroup focuses on something different and unique to cover all of the interests of our student body. Subgroups often collaborate with each other as well as other organizations to help students get as involved as possible.
First Year Students of Hillel (FYSH)
Koach (Conservative Jews of Hillel)
RJH (Reform Jews of Hillel)
HOP (Hillel Outdoor Pursuits)
Challah for Hunger
Senior Programming
Bearcats for Israel (BC4I)
Jewish Union of Graduate Students (JUGS)
Shabbat Experience
With programs almost every day from the different subgroups, Hillel provides students with tons of opportunities to be involved and connected to the rest of the Hillel and Jewish Community.
Bearcats for Israel (B4I):B4I, Hillel’s Israel organization, encourages and empowers students to create a stronger cultural, spiritual, and physical connection with Israel through tons of programs and activities.
Caffeination Station: Every week, Jasmine and some of our interns set up in the University Union and welcome all students to come grab a coffee and relax between classes.
Aroma: A fall semester event that provides free Aroma coffee as well as treats to all students. There are planned activities to enjoy as well as treats and frozen coffee!
Kosher Nowl: A kosher version of Night Owl and provides the opportunity for Jewish students to have a free kosher meal past the hours that the Kosher Korner is open.
YOM HAATZMAUT: We honor Yom Haatzmaut every year by hosting an "Israel Day" type of event where we have Israel related tabling activities, Israeli food, and Israeli music.
Kol Yisrael: a 6-week cohort learning experience to explore big ideas and questions animating the contemporary Israeli discourse. This cohort includes a $175 stipend.
The name, Kol Yisrael, embodies the aim and methodology of this curriculum. In Hebrew, the word Kol (כל) means “all”. Each session presents competing, value-based narratives that open a discussion not only surrounding the question at hand, but also why those who disagree have compelling reasons to do so.
JLF: The Jewish Learning Fellowship is a 10-week experiential, conversational seminar for students looking to deepen their understanding of Judaism on their own terms.JLF provides a social and educational basis for communal involvement. We are interested in intentionally weaving a thicker “social fabric” among our fellows over the course of 10 weeks while they engage in deep Jewish learning.
First-Year Students of Hillel (FYSH): FYSH helps new students make friends and find a place within the larger Hillel community through a big/little program, social events, and leadership opportunities.
Keshet: Keshet is dedicated to the Jewish LGBTQ+ community. Keshet aims to provide queer Jewish students and allies with opportunities to socialize, learn, and grow in a supportive community.
Senior Programming: Senior Programming offers fun events for seniors within the Jewish community in hopes to make their last year at Binghamton and in Hillel as memorable as possible.
Kaskeset: Kaskeset is Binghamton’s only Jewish a cappella group. Kaskeset has a wide repertoire that includes Jewish liturgical, Israeli pop, and English pop songs.
Shabbat Experience: The Shabbat Experience, which is Hillel’s largest weekly event with over 200 students, organizes the events between Friday night Shabbat Dinner and Seudah Shlishit on Saturday.
Holidays: Holidays committee is responsible for the organization of programs, services, and events for all of the on-campus major Jewish holidays that fall during the academic year.
Orthodox Students of Hillel (OU-JLIC): OU-JLIC brings together the Orthodox Jewish community through Friday night services, Saturday morning services. and recurring weekly events. They even have their own newsletter!
Reform Jews of Hillel (RJH): RJH is focused on connecting the Reform Jewish community of Binghamton through weekly services, usually involving a guitar, and social events during the year.
Conservative Jews of Hillel (KOACH): KOACH is a great way for the Conservative Jewish community to come together throughout the year at fun events as well as each week at Kabbalat Shabbat services and occasional Saturday morning services at Temple Israel Vestal.