Please use the contact form below to start the process of making a planned gift!
A bequest made through a will is the most common type of planned gift, largely because it enables you to make a substantial gift to Hillel at Binghamton without drawing from your assets during your lifetime. Bequests may be in the form of estate distributions of cash, securities, or real estate. The bequest can be structured in several different ways. Traditional approaches to making a bequest include the following:
Percentage Bequest: You specify a certain percentage of the total estate to be given to Hillel at Binghamton.
Fixed Dollar Bequest: You designate a specific amount of money to be given to Hillel at Binghamton.
Residual Bequest: You specify that, after bequests to heirs and beneficiaries, all remaining assets of your estate be given to Hillel at Binghamton.
Contingent Bequest: You specify that, if all heirs and beneficiaries named in the will are deceased, your estate be given to Hillel at Binghamton.
Life Income Gifts
A life income gift offers an excellent alternative should you wish to make a significant gift to Hillel at Binghamton without sacrificing any income from your assets. In some cases, a life income gift can actually increase your income while ensuring a future gift to Hillel at Binghamton. Under a life income gift, you transfer ownership of cash, securities, real estate, or personal property to Hillel at Binghamton. You retain lifetime income from the asset transferred, receive current income tax savings, and may avoid capital gains if the asset appreciates in value. Life income gifts include charitable gift annuities and charitable trusts.
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable gift annuities are popular with donors interested in significant, long-term gifts to Hillel at Binghamton and an annual income. Your irrevocable gift will be invested for Hillel at Binghamton and an annual return, based upon the entire amount of your gift, is given to you for the remainder of your life. Your spouse or child may also be designated to receive payments from the annuity upon your passing. Both deferred and immediate charitable gift annuities (charitable lead trusts) are available.
Charitable Lead Trust
Charitable lead trust is both an income and wealth transfer vehicle, enabling you to transfer income-producing assets to the next generation at a significantly lower tax cost, while also meeting your philanthropic objectives for Hillel at Binghamton.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A charitable remainder trust is a way to create a legacy in your name and receive income from the trust for life or for a term of years.
Life Insurance
Gifts to Hillel at Binghamton using life insurance may be made in two ways:
1) You may name Hillel at Binghamton as owner and beneficiary of either an existing or new policy
2) You may use life insurance to name Hillel at Binghamton as the beneficiary of your policy.
Endowed Funds
Endowments are funds held in perpetuity. The interest generated annually is used to support programs or projects agreed upon between you and Hillel at Binghamton. Endowments provide exceptional stability and security for Hillel at Binghamton as they help to to guarantee a steady income for supporting our mission. Endowments also can be created through a bequest or other forms of legacy gifts.
Let Us Help You Plan
We welcome this opportunity to work with you to create a customized gift plan that meets your personal philanthropic objectives. For more information, please contact our office at (607) 777-3424 or via e-mail at Thank you for your continued support.